Ward Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural significance of Cairo's African American heritage, and has played a pivotal role in the struggle for Civil Rights in our city. Efforts made to rehabilitate this historic location acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by the African American community to the fabric of our society — locally, state-wide, and nationally.


Originally unveiled at the 2nd Annual Cairo Magnolia Celebration on May 6, 2023, this rendering depicts a possible exterior design for the church.

The existing masonry entry and bell tower of Ward Chapel will be restored, as well as much of the original building as possible, into a social justice museum and meeting space. Parking space is also being allotted on the sides of the church. The building will continue to be accessed by going up the stairs of the existing entry but an ADA-compliant entrance is planned on the east side, as well as an elevator to access the sanctuary level from the ground level.

The upper floor (current sanctuary area) will serve as the community gathering space, and the museum will be located on the lower/natural grade or basement level. The existing stained glass windows and light fixtures, along with other church items of historic interest, will be salvaged, stored, restored, and re-installed inside the building as much as possible.

In January 2024, TCHPP, Inc. was awarded a prestigious planning grant by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Endowed by NTHP’s African American Cultural Action Fund, this $50,000 came from the Saving Black Churches program.

As of January 2025, the following goals have been accomplished with these funds:

1) Secured a full architectural assessment by White & Borgognoni Architects (WBA) that provides a phase-by-phase projection of the cost and scope of work required for the project. This helpful tool will allow us to break the project down into more manageable sections and raise funds in phases to accomplish our end goal.

2) Contracted with Preservation Futures to provide the necessary nomination paperwork to the National Park Service to place Ward Chapel on the National Registry of Historic Places. This designation was achieved in August 2024, and will open even more opportunities to foster awareness and find funding resources.

Please click here to read our Ward Chapel blog for the latest progress.


Because our goal is to restore as much of the original structure as possible, the total cost could be near $11 million. We know it’s an ambitious project, but we can do it together!

Please share this project with others interested in seeing a reimagined Ward Chapel. Consider becoming a Cairo Preservation Hero by making a tax-deductible, designated gift (one-time or regular donation) of any amount today to help us turn this community dream into a reality!